
Mon - Fri 8:00 - 18:00 / Sunday 8:00 - 14:00

Principles of Service

  • To focus on the support needs of client, we aim to provide care in ways which have positive outcomes promoting active participation and involvement in care decision making if they choose this.
  • To ensure that we are” fit for purpose” we examine our operations constantly to ensure that we are successfully adhering to our stated aims and objectives. We welcome feedback from our users, their friends, relatives and stakeholders.
  • To work towards the comprehensive welfare of the clients we serve, we aim to provide for each client a living environment that contributes to his or her overall personal, health, social needs and preferences. We will co-operate with other services and healthcare professionals to help maximise independence and to ensure, where practical, the person participates in their community, where appropriate.
  • To ensure we can meet assessed additional needs, prior to personal care service commencement, we ensure that the client’s Health & Social needs and preferences are thoroughly assessed. We endeavor to ensure that as a Personal Care organization we provide services which meet the assessed needs of each client and that needs are re-assessed as frequently as necessary and that the care and support provided offers the flexibility to respond to changing needs or requirements.
  • The client will be supported to understand and be in agreement with the care management decision, and informed consent will be obtained prior to all care undertaken.
  • To demonstrate commitment to provide quality services, and continuous improvement in the level of care we offer.
  • To employ a quality workforce who demonstrate professional and ethical behaviors. Our Carerswill be compliant with industry standards and requirements set by the National Training Organisations.
  • To have robust governance arrangements and supervision measures in place for all care our Carers give when required to do so. Our Carers are required to demonstrate achievement of the required competencies and standards which include mandatory elements i.e. Infection control, basic life support, safeguarding and role specific development. Annual updates and validation contribute towards continuous professional development (CPD) and ongoing performance review and appraisal will monitor skills, competencies, capabilities and achievement of key performance indicators.
  • All care our Carers will be compliant with HUMANITY AGENCY LTD Policies and Procedures, appropriate Local and National requirements and recommendations for Personal Care delivery and Reach standards for supported living 2003.
  • Clear procedures will highlight the process for urgent follow up by an appropriate external Healthcare Professional if deemed necessary.